Even the most vigilant homeowner can, from time to time, overlook small problems or forget about performing routine home repairs and seasonal maintenance. A home is a valuable investment and failure to maintain it properly can cause damages and even downgrade its value.
That’s why a Home Maintenance Inspection will help you keep your home in good condition and prevent it from suffering serious, long-term and expensive damage from minor issues that should be addressed now. It is an especially helpful resource for new homeowners as a means of understanding and planning for regular home maintenance. However, even veteran homeowners can benefit from an inspection to verify whether any problems have developed during the years, or if there are other potential defects to be aware of.
The Home Maintenance Inspection will identify for you those areas and aspects of your home that need attention. This will include:
- Roof Condition
- Fireplaces & Chimneys
- Gutters & Downspouts
- Exterior Cladding
- Patio, Porch & Deck
- Attached Garage & Driveway
- Electrical System
- Plumbing System
- HVAC System
- Windows & Doors
- Basement/Crawlspace
- Exterior Grading
- Smoke detectors & other safety equipment
- Plumbing & Fixtures
- FREE RecallChek for Appliances
My inspection will provide you with three complete lists:
- Required Items (problems that require immediate attention)
- Deferred Items (items that should be dealt with soon)
- Future Maintenance Items (items that should be noted, but are not urgent)
I recommend having a Home Maintenance Inspection performed annually for your primary residence and any investment properties you own.
To schedule your Home Maintenance Inspection please call Paul Kennedy at (705) 380-4764 or use the Self-Booking Option by clicking the button below:
As a member of the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors (OAHI), I have made a commitment to adhere to the OAHI Code of Conduct for the Home Inspection Profession. For more details on my home inspections, please view the OAHI Standards of Practice by which I abide.